Do you love to travel?
6/10 is the score to beat in this Geography quiz to put yourself over the average quiz taker. But you're probably going to be able to answer questions "Around which river did the Ancient Egyptian civilization grow up?" and "Which of these is true about the Dead Sea?" easy!
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I made you a quiz about 60s music
In this fun trivia quiz we're going to ask questions like "Who sang "You're My Soul and Inspiration" in the 1960s?" and "Who sang "Cold Sweat, Pt. 2" in the 1960s?".
The average score so far is 4/10 correct answers
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General Trivia Quiz
6/10 is what people on average are scoring in this trivia quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "In the days of the Roman Empire, which luxurious fabric was sold for its weight in go.." and "What heightened sense do pigs have?"
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Food & Cooking Quiz
If you can answer "What vegetable is polenta made from?" and maybe even "What vegetable is pureed to make the dip called baba ganoush?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 4/10 in this trivia quiz
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1950s Music Quiz
6/10 is the score to beat in this 1950s Music quiz to put yourself over the average quiz taker. But you're probably going to be able to answer questions "What was the first name of famous jazz singer Ms Fitzgerald?" and "The Southlanders hit was "I am a mole and I live in a" what?" easy!
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World History Quiz
If you can answer "Which country did Joan of Arc try to set free from English domination?" and maybe even "Which major export of Thailand is produced by worms?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 7/10 in this History quiz
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Quiz about old sayings
If you can answer ""All's well that _____ well."" and maybe even ""Every cloud has a silver _____."" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 7/10 in this trivia quiz
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10 questions about food
If you can answer "Which food nationality do tacos belong to?" and maybe even "What is the most common ingredient to make bread rise?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 5/10 in this trivia quiz
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Science and nature quiz
6/10 is what people on average are scoring in this Science quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "Cocker and Springer are what types of dog?" and "Golden, Sea and Bald are species of which large bird?"
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1960s Lyrics Quiz
In this fun 1960s Song Lyrics quiz we're going to ask questions like "The Everly Brothers had a 60s hit about whose clown?" and ""Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter" is from which Beatles song?".
The average score so far is 6/10 correct answers
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General trivia quiz
Can you beat the average score of 6/10 in this quite fun General Trivia quiz?
Look forward to questions like "What is the common term for the small refrigerator containing snacks and drinks found.." and "What piece of equipment is used by a potter to spin the clay as they shape it into a .."
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General trivia quiz with 10 mixed questions
4/10 is what people on average are scoring in this trivia quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "Which of these animals keeps its young in a pouch?" and "Which of these signs of the zodiac has no horns?"
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General Trivia Quiz
6/10 is what people on average are scoring in this trivia quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "Which blonde bombshell played the popular C. J. Parker on 'Baywatch', which began air.." and "Which of these is the name of an MLS team from New York?"
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60s Music Quiz
If you can answer "Who sang this song : "And Then He Kissed Me" around 1964?" and maybe even "Who sang this song : "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me" around 1967?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 6/10 in this trivia quiz
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1960s song quiz for everybody
If you can answer "Who sang this song : "Teenage Idol" around 1963?" and maybe even "Who sang this song : "When Will I Be Loved" around 1961?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 4/10 in this trivia quiz
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Quiz on History
6/10 is what people on average are scoring in this trivia quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "What happened upon the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic?" and "Who was John Adams?"
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A quiz about food & cooking
6/10 is the score to beat in this trivia quiz to put yourself over the average quiz taker. But you're probably going to be able to answer questions "Basil is a type of what?" and "To spoon off excess fat from the top of a liquid is called what?" easy!
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What do you remember about the 1960s?
Can you beat the average score of 5/10 in this quite fun trivia quiz?
Look forward to questions like "Which 1960's sitcom featured Jed, his mother-in-law Granny and neighbors called the D.." and "Which country music songstress released "Crazy" in 1960? "
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1960s Song Quiz
If you can answer "Who sang this song : "Can't You Hear My Heartbeat" around 1966?" and maybe even "Who sang this song : "Ahab the Arab" around 1963?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 3/10 in this trivia quiz
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1960s Song Quiz
If you can answer "Who had the hit "Candy Girl" in 1964?" and maybe even "Who had the hit "Papa's Got a Brand New Bag, Pt. 1" in 1966?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 5/10 in this trivia quiz
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General Trivia Quiz
6/10 is what people on average are scoring in this trivia quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "Around which river did the Ancient Egyptian civilization form?" and "Las Vegas is located in which US State?"
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Expert Level Trivia Quiz
In this fun trivia quiz we're going to ask questions like "What is an "aide-mémoire"?" and "Who was the only US President to serve more than two terms in office?".
The average score so far is 4/10 correct answers
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Quiz : Movie Quotes of the 1970s
If you can answer "Who played Dirty Harry and said "Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?"" and maybe even "Which movie has the line "Any sign of a monkey bigger than four feet, send him bang-b.." there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 6/10 in this trivia quiz
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10 General Knowledge Questions
In this fun General Trivia quiz we're going to ask questions like "Which of these is one of Brazil's major food exports? " and "What country was the birthplace of the Olympic games?".
The average score so far is 6/10 correct answers
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History trivia quiz
If you can answer "In 1909, who became the first American worth more than a billion dollars?" and maybe even "Which country granted American defector Edward Snowden asylum in 2013?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 6/10 in this History quiz
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Expert level food & cooking quiz
4/10 is what people on average are scoring in this trivia quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "What is the snack food of Knish?" and "Gluhwein, or mulled wine, is usually served at which time of year?"
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Match the European cities with the correct countries
If you can answer "In which country do you find the city of Glasgow?" and maybe even "In which country do you find the city of Stuttgart?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 6/10 in this trivia quiz
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